Photos from Southsea in B&W Photo Walkshop

Despite planning Saturday’s ‘Southsea in B&W’ photo walkshop with rain, wind, stormy seas and sky in mind…the weather was actually blue skies, sunshine and a calm, flat sea. Not what we expected but still great conditions for a walk around Southsea with our cameras. 17 local photographers with all different experience and abilities (and cameras ranging from SLRs to iPhones) came down for the morning walk and we started off at the Rose Gardens. The plan was to focus primarily on B&W photography and the pruned back, nature asleep feel of the gardens was a great place to begin.

We walked out to the explore the beach huts before looking for flat, geometric compositions and silhouettes with the sun and the sea as a backdrop to people enjoying a walk, run and cycle along the prom. We crossed over and down on to the beach looking at different composition techniques and tips on different angles to capture the familiar. With sand on our shoes we walked down to Canoe Lake looking at slightly more advanced narrative techniques and then the very friendly swans greeted us ready for lots of photos. We ended up down by the pier looking for dark shadows and rich nautical textures of rust and rope.

A big thank you to everyone who came down and don’t forget our next workshop is looking at Night Photography on the 6th February.

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