Strong Island Photography Walkshop - Milton Locks

All Walkshops Cancelled

Apologies if you have been waiting to hear from me regarding if this photo walkshop is going ahead at the weekend. I’ve been thinking long and hard about what to do but recent advice from the government about no non-essential meeting of people really has taken the decision out of my hands and I want to, of course, ensure everyone’s safety. So I will be sadly cancelling all upcoming photo walkshops (and processing refunds) and I’ll hold off posting up details of new walkshops until things begin to improve and the government advice changes for the better.

Owning your own business in days like this is a bit scary, so I will be aiming to use this time constructively and creatively by working on some online photography tutorials (something I’ve been planning on doing for a long time) and also posting more on my YouTube channel too. If you want a watch and to subscribe, you can find that here:

Sadly I’ve had to postpone a number of really fun and exciting partner photo walkshops too, but I’m hoping to also add those back into the schedule as soon as possible.

A huge thank you to all of your support by booking on to the photo walk and I hope to see you soon.

Best Regards,


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