Photos From Langstone Village Photo Walkshop

The first of the Autumn and Winter Strong Island Photography Walkshops was at a location we hadn’t visited on a walkshop before: Langstone Village, where Langstone Harbour meets Chichester Harbour north of Hayling Island. The village is right on the shore and a great spot to explore with your camera at low tide (and the pubs are quite good too afterwards). We began in the carpark of The Ship and walked up on to the tide ridge looking at the wide views of the channel at low tide. The sky was grey and gloomy but we were lucky and it didn’t rain when we were out and about. The small boats pulled up on to the bank were rich in colour and textures and good subjects to warm up our focusing and composition skills.

We made our way back to the edge of the carpark which is one of the original quaysides and as such the old bricks, stones, ropes and chains were good to capture. We used the curving edge of the quayside to also experiment on how to lead the eye, with walkshop regular Sarah kindly volunteering (ha!) to be the model at the end of the leading line. From here we dropped down on to the shoreline mud and stones and also began to look at some of the old buildings lining the harbour footpath. The path itself led toward the Royal Oak pub and the other quay…along the way the old flint & stone walls made for more leading lines.

Langstone has a few local photography landmarks with the main ones being the Windmill tower and also the old posts leading out in to the channel. The posts used to mark the foot crossing over to Hayling Island which is no longer passable due to the deeper channel. They do make (with the path) for an interesting subject so we looked at centre vs off-centre compositions, foreground/background focusing and initial ideas on narrative. We also used this vantage point to take images of the Windmill tower using different perspectives and angles.

Walking back to the Royal Oak the large puddles on the shore gave us a nice spot for looking at different reflective angles and ways of capturing different elements such as signage, people and even the sun which could be seen reflected again from a house window. Along the shore we explored the edge of the mill with the water creek cutting a snaking line out in to the harbour and the far boats. This channel is also popular with birds. We ended up at the mill pond behind the mill, which is also home to lots of birds too…who were keen to get in on the photography. A big thank you to everyone who came along!

The Autumn & Winter photography walkshops are in full swing, find out more about the upcoming walkshops at:

Check the new Strong Island Photo Walkshops Instagram account packed with photos from all of the last 35+ walkshops and soon to include photos from the photographers who have come along on the walks too:

We also have a new Facebook page for Photography Walkshops, with more photos and information plus, if you like, leave us a review too:

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